Saturday, 7 November 2009

Done it, I think!

This has been such a difficult but rewarding painting. I'm really pleased with the end result, I never thought it was going to turn out so well. The more I use gouache the more I like it. It can be very annoying that it drys out so fast, but its so forgiving when you make mistakes. I'm finding it works really well with watercolour pencils, which I'm using to create more subtle shades and tonal values.


K S Jewellery Designs said...

Wow! On first glance, I really thought this was photo! Brilliant painting.
Kristin :)

Jo Hannah said...

i thought it looked like a photo too! Great work!

Sjamesportraiture said...

Thankyou, I promise its a painting!

Sue Clinker said...

Excellent work .... worth all the hard work!