Day 1
Time for another pastel experiment, again on A3 paper. I really like the photo I'm using for this one. My Dad took this in South Africa, so these are the real wild ones!
I've started with very unsubtle tones, I've been swatting up on pastel techniques, it recommends that you start with hard pastels, then end with the softest. The reason for this is so you don't overload the tooth (grain) of the paper. This enables you too build up lots of layers, therefore texture, these elephants have lots of texture. Their wrinkles are similar to mine after a heavy night! I have used a very bright almost electric blue in the background, most of this I intend to loose once I add the detail of the bush.

This is reminding me of Elmer the Elephant. If you've not got children, Elmer is a technicoloured elephant. I have added big blocks of colour, that once I've added all the details of bush and wrinkles will hopefully be more subtle flashes of colour, but still intense in hue.
I've sprayed with a very light layer of fixative , to hopefully help it take some more layers of pastels